Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Conversations with a 2 year old

Taylor is always talking, she always has something to say. Lately she has been making me laugh with some of the things she says. Here are a few examples...

Taylor: "Come on mommy, slide down on tummy."
Me: "Honey, mommy's tummy is too big to slide on the slide because of the baby."
Taylor: "yeah, I know." (Gee thanks honey)

Taylor:"Look mommy lots of puppy dogs!!"
Sure enough we were driving down the street and there was a lady walking 3 dogs.

We put Taylor's twin bed and a new dresser in her room. When she came in to look at it she said "Wow, cool!"

The other day we were outside playing...
Taylor: "chirp, chirp"
Me: "Are you pretending to be a bird?"
Taylor: "No talking to birds mommy."

Lately for some reason she also keeps looking at me and saying "don't worry mommy."

One of her favorite foods is hot dogs. So today when she asked for her 3rd hot dog for lunch, I doubled check with her said "another hot dog?" She said "yeah, I lick it up!" ??????

"Silly daddy"

She follows every "thank you" with a "welcome" behind it. Guess we are glad she is learning good manners.

Every where she goes or everything she does she wants me to go with her or do the exact same thing. And I mean everything! Everything is "come on mommy"

And her new favorite game is Simon Says. It is so cute to hear and watch her learn new things to have us do. I think she likes telling us what to do ;)

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