Monday, January 19, 2009

First Hair Cut

Today I took Taylor for her first hair cut. I have been debating for a few months now and finally decided to do it. It was sad though because the hair they cut off was actually her "baby" hair. But it had to be done, the ends were not looking healthy. So we trimmed it up and cut bangs. Her hair was always hanging in her eyes so I thought this might be a good solution. She looks cute of course! But it is a little adjustment to me. Maybe its just that my baby isn't a baby anymore and that is the adjustment not the hair cut. She sat there very well and let the lady cut it, she barely moved or said a word. I think she might have been a little scared. But afterwards she was all smiles for the camera.


Adriane said...

Awww, so cute!

Grandma G. said...

Her haircut is adorable! I can't wait to see her in a few weeks!!