Monday, August 24, 2009

Feel good mommy moments

My friend posted some "mommy moments" on her blog and I thought it was a great idea, I have mommy moments every day where I want to remember them forever.

Here are a few from Taylor:

*She was going to sleep and saw the shadow on her wall and told me her wall said "boo" to her and then asked me to stay with her.

*When we hug she pats my back

*When we are snuggling she rubs my arms like she is petting me

*When we snuggle after nap time, she loves to cuddle at that time and that is about the only time I get to keep her in one place

Here are a few from Carter:

*When I walk into his room in the middle of the night and he smiles so big and kicks his legs like he is so happy to see me

*When I feed him and he holds my hand

*When I burp him and he lays his head on my shoulder

*When I tickle him or talk to him and he lets out a big laugh with a big gummy smile

I love being a mommy!!


myhouseof6 said...

oh that is so sweet, you are making me miss the baby stage!!

Adriane said...

Your moments are so adorable, they made me smile :) I love the patting your back one! Having kids is the best - I just have to remind myself when they are misbehaving, LOL!

Anonymous said...

That is awesome. I love Taylor's wall saying boo to her, how funny. Your a great mom!