Sunday, February 28, 2010

Taylor talk

Today Taylor has said some funny things I wanted to share...

This morning after church Zach and I found her in our bedroom and she was opening a piece of candy...
Us: "Taylor--who told you it was ok to eat candy before lunch?"
Taylor: "Jesus told me it was ok. He said I could eat it."
So then we had to have the talk that Jesus doesn't like it when we lie.

Then tonight she was stalling to go to bed and was hungry. So I gave her some cheese and crackers...
Taylor: "These crackers are a yummy snack mommy."
Me: "I'm glad you like them."
Taylor: "Yeah the Dr says I should have more!"

And when she will mean to say "No I'm not" she says "No I am it" instead.

I love to hear her talk and learn new things!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She is so creative. Can't wait to spend some time with her. Love G'ma K